Our Founder & Director - Jimbo Mullen

Mullen family photoHadassah & girl at PowerPack outreach in North Minneapolis, August 2014Easter Bag outreach in College Hill, Tampa.Titus evangelizing in College Hill, Tampa.

Jimbo (James) Mullen is the Founder and Director of Christ Satisfies Ministries.  In 2005, he and his wife, Anne, were moved to start this ministry to reach the lost and hurting and often overlooked members of their community in North Minneapolis, MN, with the saving message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. At the time, Jimbo and his family became actively involved in urban ministry in their community partnering with their local church, Family Baptist Church, which is pastored by Dr. Lee Ormiston.  In 2013, the Lord blessed us with an opportunity to expand the ministry into St. Paul, MN, where we partnered with another local church, Beacon of Hope, which is pastored by former missionary, Steve Lonetti.  At the end of 2013, Jimbo, Anne, their family and Christ Satisfies Ministries had yet another expansion opportunity.  This time the Lord opened the door for CSM to expand to the Tampa Bay Area of Florida while leaving four active CSM teams to carry on the ministry in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, MN.

Jimbo and Anne have been blessed to receive biblical instruction from two of the nation's foremost Bible teachers.  They spent four years at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, CA, under the pastoral care of Dr. John MacArthur, Jr. Following their relocation to MN, they were blessed to be under the teaching of Dr. John Piper at Bethlehem Baptist Church in downtown Minneapolis.  The two of them also graduated from The Bethlehem Institute, an intensive Bible curriculum program of BBC.

While living in Minneapolis from 2005-2013, Jimbo ministered in the North Minneapolis community to our four primary groups of people: gang members/drug dealers/troubled youth, prostitutes & pimps, the homeless, and the inner city poor.  He evangelized in the community several days a week and conducted a larger monthly outreach that rotated through the groups over the course of the year.  He also was the Chaplain for Lazarus Auto Detail/PTL Detail, a ministry/business which hired those with major barriers to employment (felons, addicts, etc.) There he taught Bible studies to the men and spent time with them in discipleship and counseling.  He also led a weekly home Bible study group.  In addition, Jimbo also taught several Bible studies a week at the Hennepin County Adult Correctional Facility.

In 2013, Jimbo began the Florida branch of CSM and currently ministers to the same primary groups of people: the homeless, prostitutes & pimps, gang members/drug dealers/troubled youth, and the inner city poor.  He evangelizes these groups daily throughout the week and conducts larger monthly outreaches.  He has also been teaching Bible studies and classes to men incarcerated in the Polk County Jail (FL).

Four faithful CSM teams in the Twin Cities carry on the outreach work of Christ Satisfies Ministries with monthly outreaches to the primary groups of people in both North Minneapolis and east St. Paul.


Christ Satisfies Ministries exists to biblically equip men and women

so that they might

know, love, enjoy and glorify


and, by His grace,

 bring others to do the same

 locally through the church

 and globally through missions.




The mission of Christ Satisfies Ministries is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ

through the exaltation of God’s Word

in the hearts of all men.


This mission is to be accomplished through the following means:







Bible Study

Biblical Meditation

Scripture Memorization

Interaction with the Local Church

Christ Satisfies Ministries :: P.O. Box 172025 :: Tampa, FL 33672 :: 612.229.5042
- Copyright 2025 Christ Satisfies Ministries. All rights reserved.